We are excited to partner with Hayley Nadine and Amos Rodriguez to offer some very unique weekends centered around foraging, wilderness skills, and deep nature connection. We’re planning a well rounded program for everyone, from beginning foragers to the most experienced wild crafters. Greg Monzel has decades of experience in foraging and an encyclopedic knowledge of plants, Colleen will lead morning yoga and meditation practice, Amos is a nationally recognized survival expert, and Hayley is a chef, gardener, artist, and healer in her own right.
Located on a private farm two hours north of Indianapolis, an hour from Fort Wayne, just outside of North Manchester. We’ll send the exact address in your welcome packet when you register.
Approximate Schedule – open to change
- Friday
- Set up camp sites
- Opening circle
- Oak Introduction
- Campfire
- Saturday
- Breakfast
- Yoga
- Field time/harvest
- Work stations: medicine making, fiber work, food preservation
- Lunch
- Rotate work stations
- Free time
- Camp fire time
- Sunday
- Breakfast
- Yoga
- Field time
- Seed handling
- Closing circle
- Campsite cleanup
Acorn Camp: OCTOBER 25-27, 2024
This retreat centers acorns as our native food and medicine plant. We’ll meet several different oaks, collect nuts, and take the acorn processing as far as we can together. Families will be able to take a small portion of acorn flour home to dry and eat! We will also practice a variety of wilderness skills including fire by friction and edible plant identification. Camp out for the whole weekend or join us on Saturday for a day full of foraging, friends, and nature connection!